Monday, June 22, 2020

Male Pelvic Floor Muscle - aka Harder Erection Muscle Muscle Demo
video below

By The Erection Coach
If for whatever reason you'd like to make your erection harder - this small muscle will become your friend!

A little talked about muscle - the erection muscle as I call it - because its sole job is to push more blood into the penis, to make it more rigid. But like every muscle in the body:
  • it begins to weaken after the age of 30
  • but luckily can be strengthened with the right exercise...
....meaning if you have noticed a decline in erection quality - it's worth knowing all about this muscle and how to strengthen it.

You already use it - expelling last drops of urine and any time you clench your anus it also contracts - but with practice you can learn to isolate it and really strengthen it - gaining more control of it - as I demonstrate in the video below.

Controlling Erection Muscle for Erections

With practice we can use it to boost our erection quality - for times when we want to get a bit harder or to get hard at all! The sensations from this newly strengthened muscle - powerfully working underneath us gives intense feeling, allowing us to and get lost in the moment - the first step to helping psychological erection problems too.

Erection on Demand

With practice this exercise can even be used to gain an erection on demand. with no touching or even arousal. Either the:
  •  sheer power can almost pump your penis up
  • give sensations that lead to arousal - all explained at

Harder at any age

Strengthening this muscle and achieving a HARDer erection for longer can be attained at any age. 

10 or 15 years ago I could never do this - now at age 53 I can. This is a great feeling for me and I love having the control - I feel youthful and sexual again - like I haven't for a long time. In fact possibly more than ever - as sometimes perhaps we don't fully appreciate just what we had - 'til it's gone. Now I've got the strength back - I really do appreciate my erection - especially when it throbs. If I can get this result - there's no reason why you can't too. 

 I did also change to a healthier lifestyle, but this exercise is a great 1st step and will give most men (over 95%) some noticeable improvements - if you ensure you exercise you pelvic floor (aka your erection muscle as we'll now call it)  for at least 2 minutes every day. The more you do the quicker the results.

Helping overcome erection problems

Sometimes it really doesn't matter what the cause of any erection problems is, physical or psychological, either way this exercise has the capability to resolve them. 

Learning more about strengthening Your Erection Muscle 

Learning how to exercise your erection muscle - free intro videos available here - at just scroll down until you find the free semi guide.
So called semi -it gives a lot of information about stimulating this male pelvic floor muscle - is definitely capable of getting you some great erection improvements.

Or you can view just the basic exercise video here

Want a bigger Penis when flaccid

© 2020

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