Monday, June 22, 2020

Male Pelvic Floor Muscle - aka Harder Erection Muscle Muscle Demo
video below

By The Erection Coach
If for whatever reason you'd like to make your erection harder - this small muscle will become your friend!

A little talked about muscle - the erection muscle as I call it - because its sole job is to push more blood into the penis, to make it more rigid. But like every muscle in the body:
  • it begins to weaken after the age of 30
  • but luckily can be strengthened with the right exercise...
....meaning if you have noticed a decline in erection quality - it's worth knowing all about this muscle and how to strengthen it.

You already use it - expelling last drops of urine and any time you clench your anus it also contracts - but with practice you can learn to isolate it and really strengthen it - gaining more control of it - as I demonstrate in the video below.

Controlling Erection Muscle for Erections

With practice we can use it to boost our erection quality - for times when we want to get a bit harder or to get hard at all! The sensations from this newly strengthened muscle - powerfully working underneath us gives intense feeling, allowing us to and get lost in the moment - the first step to helping psychological erection problems too.

Erection on Demand

With practice this exercise can even be used to gain an erection on demand. with no touching or even arousal. Either the:
  •  sheer power can almost pump your penis up
  • give sensations that lead to arousal - all explained at

Harder at any age

Strengthening this muscle and achieving a HARDer erection for longer can be attained at any age. 

10 or 15 years ago I could never do this - now at age 53 I can. This is a great feeling for me and I love having the control - I feel youthful and sexual again - like I haven't for a long time. In fact possibly more than ever - as sometimes perhaps we don't fully appreciate just what we had - 'til it's gone. Now I've got the strength back - I really do appreciate my erection - especially when it throbs. If I can get this result - there's no reason why you can't too. 

 I did also change to a healthier lifestyle, but this exercise is a great 1st step and will give most men (over 95%) some noticeable improvements - if you ensure you exercise you pelvic floor (aka your erection muscle as we'll now call it)  for at least 2 minutes every day. The more you do the quicker the results.

Helping overcome erection problems

Sometimes it really doesn't matter what the cause of any erection problems is, physical or psychological, either way this exercise has the capability to resolve them. 

Learning more about strengthening Your Erection Muscle 

Learning how to exercise your erection muscle - free intro videos available here - at just scroll down until you find the free semi guide.
So called semi -it gives a lot of information about stimulating this male pelvic floor muscle - is definitely capable of getting you some great erection improvements.

Or you can view just the basic exercise video here

Want a bigger Penis when flaccid

© 2020

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Want a Bigger Penis - Secrets of Erection Exercise

Erection Exercise Video Clip Speeded Up - 
Making your penis bigger is just one of many secrets - of erection exercising. One benefit from a series of exercises any man can do to strengthen his erection, improve sexual response, overcome erection problems and so many other things.

Average Penis Size

By The Erection Coach
Before I talk too much about making penis bigger - it should be noted that I'm an advocate of being grateful for whatever size we have, both privately and especially in my capacity as the I did not set out to make my penis bigger - it has been an unexpected benefit. I have written in the past about how average penis size that I see in my day job (and I do see quite a few penises working as the!) and how it differs wildly to all the penises we can see on the web - especially in porn. A disproportionate amount of larger penises are reblogged, reposted and post in the first place, which can give a distorted view of what average penis size is. I will write more on that soon, but for now about penis exercise..... 

I sometimes surprise myself when I see my penis out, or I get naked - just how big it is - compared to what size my penis use to be. As a school kid I dreaded getting naked for the showers due to having one of the smallest penises there!

Even though I knew my soft penis could be a bit on the small side - I haven't let it stop me from being naked, in public!  During my whole career I'm always talking about body image and penis size -  advocating being happy and grateful for what we've got - whatever shape or size our penis is.

Yet the irony is that I now don't have to worry - because my penis is so much longer and thicker nowadays when he's soft - which I attribute to my erection kaizen!  My aim is solely to improve erection quality, and it is in this process I have noticed how much bigger he is nowadays. Just when I was totally fine with his size too - but I'm not complaining!

There is a reason why my soft penis has grown - organically and naturally. Purely due to extra blood flowing in - that's all. This has happened due to:
  • my regular penis exercise
  • being more relaxed/chilled

Both of these take constant work for me, but it does pay dividends in many ways!

My balls don't move this quick - though that is something I'm working on!

My regular penis exercise is a pelvic floor muscle strengthening exercise I do at some stage in my day. (Plus a mini version when I go to the loo - spending an extra few seconds or minutes (when possible) to do a few penis raises). All this strengthens the pelvic floor muscles - my erection muscle, we all have one of these (I'll explain more in another post). This muscle has the sole job of making our penis more rigid by pumping extra blood in.  Plus can, in time, give nice sensations which in turn brings about relaxation ...and even more blood into the penis!

The more I do this exercise - the bigger he'll stay for longer periods. I do the exercise regularly, as it makes me feel good, and so my penis tends to stay in this state: of having extra blood flow - meaning I now hardly ever see my penis as small as he use to be. Except when I'm really cold (and I have a story there too - but I'll save it for another time!)

But for me this is just something I notice - I really feel we should not concern our self with penis size, as they all have their merits and we should simply feel really lucky to have what we have got. But it does show me the power of exercise - a couple of minutes a day for Harder erections and I also get the bonus of a longer, thicker flaccid penis. 

However here I must point out that I also do lots of other things too, which all accumulate, but if someone wanted to make a start upon improving their erection quality but did not have the time or inclination to do all that I do - I'd single out the pelvic floor muscle strengthening - penis exercise to do as in the video above.

In a forthcoming post I'll explain about male anatomy, and emotions - which will give you an idea of why this exercise not only improves erection quality but flaccid penis size too!

© 2020

Friday, June 12, 2020

Filming Instructional Erection Video and My Penis almost Hugs Me!

Did my penis hug me!
naked erection coach filmingYou may think I'm mad or a bit simple, but ...this is one of those lighthearted moments - a nice way for you to get to know a 'little' of me and my day job - which sometimes involves filming myself getting an erection! I'm not a porn star though (as you can probably tell!)

By The Erection Coach
During filming a recent instructional video I referred to my penis as 'he' rather than 'it' as I normally w
ould and then he almost seemed to jump up and hug me. 

This also leaves me to ask the question: have I been missing out all these years - maybe you refer to your penis as 'he' or have a name for him?

My exercise sessions with him, will now have to involve some conversation perhaps! 

I'll show one of my daily exercises, that I do to keep him strong (and long - though that's a whole other story!), in the next post.

© 2020

Erection Problems - or Simply Personality?

 If you ever struggle to rise to the occasion - before you look too deep to cure any issues, you may simply be able to overcome them - with ...