Here's why an edging masturbation session - should (in my opinion as be viewed as a healthy exercise workout. If you Edge by contracting your muscles as I show below that is.
... edging is perhaps like a wonder drug!
Edging (
what is edging) actually strengthens the different body systems that help produce hard, strong erections - improving:
- erection muscle strength
- testosterone profile
- penile blood flow
- psychological aspects of erection process
Here' why edging helps...
Oh but the important point is - how you Edge. If you edge by contracting your pelvic muscle - aka Erection Muscle as I call it then you will have stronger future erections. If you stop ejaculation simply by stopping stimulation - then you will get some benefit - but only as much as any normal masturbation.
Erection Muscle Strength
You can see here the effect that stopping ejaculation has. The penis moves up and down - getting momentarily harder as the muscles to stop ejaculation are contracted. The more we do this the stronger the muscles - meaning the penis will not just be harder for a short time, but all the time that it is erected for.
When we contract the muscles to stop feelings of ejaculation we are contracting the pelvic floor muscles - particularly the Ischiocavernosus. The more this muscle is contracted the stronger it will become. This is important as the sole job of this muscle is to push more blood into the penis and make it more rigid. That's why as I call it -Erection Muscle!
Edging is just one way you can strengthen your. erection muscle. there are many others. As this muscle is strengthened so to will your erection - HARDer and Stronger in the coming weeks and months. Edging provides a great workout for erection health - a great addition to your fitness regime maybe?
Testosterone Boost
When we feel sexual, and indeed are in, a sexual situation - our testosterone level is elevated. This all accumulates and is almost like a wave of momentum building and building to increase testosterone levels in as little as 20 minutes. If we have a masturbation or sex session for 10 minutes that will increase testosterone levels to some degree. However the longer our sexual stimulation goes on for - the more our testosterone is elevated. An hour long edging session gives a great boost to our testosterone level as the waves of erotic pleasure build into heightened erotic states. 2 hours plus and these waves of pleasure intensify and so with it testosterone - maybe a real long session is just what the
ErectionDr ordered!
Psychological Erection Problems
Full erection not needed - Waves of intense pleasure from edging with a semi erection |
Intense edging sessions as advocated by - lasting a long time, mean we go through periods when our penis is soft, but remains very sensitive and capable of giving so much pleasure. This is great as it reinforces in our mind that we do not have to have an erection to get some fantastic sensations.
The more we edge style - the more we can feel the pressure - sensations and feelings building in our testicles, prostate and all the associated parts deep within! This is good as it shifts the feelings and sensations away from solely the penis to involve so many other parts - or possibly an all over body experience . We are all wired up slightly differently so what you feel will be individual, but this can be powerful.
Why Edging is good for erection problems ...
....because it takes the pressure off our penis. Knowing we can get all this pleasure - sometimes even when we are not erect - and this pleasure not being penis focussed - means if we cannot get hard in any future situations we are less likely to worry - knowing we can still ejaculate and get some 'off the scale pleasure' when soft.
...Then once the pressure of getting erect is lessened, we are relaxed and feeling sexual, we are more likely to get an erection.Thus edging provides that reset switch to reprogram our whole sexualness, which is one way to start helping erection problems that are of a psychological nature. Though as described at sometimes we don't need to establish whether psychological or physical, but just to relax and have a good time with our erection training. This is one example where we do not need to worry - consider edging a vital part of erection training - whether soft or hard it can help both the physical and psychological aspects of the erection process..
Localised Penile Blood Flow
Every time we stop ourself ejaculating the Ischiocavernosus is contracted. The more we use and exercise this muscle muscle - through edging, the more their demands for energy and oxygen, which is carried in the blood - and so blood flow is increased.
The medium in which they work to increase penile rigidity is - in blood! These muscles push more blood into our penis. You're beginning to see it's all about max blood flow - the whole area needs and gets more blood.
The more this happens - the wider our supplying blood vessels become - they dilate to let max blood flow in. The more we use the muscles - in terms of duration and frequency the wider the blood vessels will stay for longer periods of time, just like explains about the benefits of increasing whole body activity. Meaning our penis will be receiving more blood for days to come - giving rise to more frequent erections and a bigger penis when soft - due to the extra blood flow!
What's not to like about edging!
Edging means sex all on our own can be out of this world giving - off the scale erotic pleasure, .....allowing sexual discovery, orgasms as well as improving erection HARDness - all explained at
Edge your penis - for great penis health
this edge's your whole body for some great sensations
and results in your mind receiving intense pleasure signals...
but only when we are in the right frame of mind. If we are not open to it - it will not be as powerful as I have described and there is a risk you may not like it that much.
But here's something else to think about Sexual Mindfulness! This can help us get into the zone and maximise the affects from edging. I'll write about this soon and leave you with the following thought as your
......To edge in a sexual session with oneself - gives the likelihood of transportation to a higher erotic place. The great thing is - it's all on our own, we need no partner for this.
Two Ways to Enjoy Edging
For Harder Erections
More about how edging is a great workout for our pelvic floor muscle and ultimately how edging will give HARDer erections in the future - here
For Alternative Masturbation/Self Sex
Or if you like to Masturbate whilst getting a HARDer erection - BroTime is here
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