Thursday, January 28, 2021

Porn + Edging = Sex Media Addict Cured

A Greater Mind/Body Connection means porn gradually becomes an unwanted distraction as your body cries out for awareness and attention.

Edging - gives a greater mind body connection.
Porn - maybe not the problem, but how we use and interpret it.

Cant cope with the overwhelming feelings coming from my body - so so intense! A still from an edging video - Porn got me to this place.   

Instructions for this to succeed

Only do the this when you have:

  • the right frame of mind - open, excited but calm
  • privacy
  • plenty of time
  • a sexual feeling within yourself - anything ranging from feeling male to feeling really horny
  • told yourself not to expect this to be fantastic - in your first session - know that this takes practice, the gains are cumulative as your mind and body gradually adapt. This is akin to the erection training at, where this mind body connection is so important - something I advocate for dealing with erection problems.
Don't do this when feeling:
  • tired
  • unwell
  • anxious or stressed

1. Porn - foreplay to 'being lost in yourself'

watch porn as much as you want but :

  • Be resolute - you are not going to ejaculate whilst the porn is on.
  • You will think of it as mere foreplay.

2. Then Let the Edging Begin

This is the transition time...

You can :

  • still view pornography, but start to edge - 
  • stimulate yourself sexually in whatever way you like

Yo must not:

  •  ejaculate

3. Porn Fading Away as Your Body Grows in Sexualness

The more you stimulate yourself - feelings become so intense both in mind and body that it overtakes the porn and you become lost in yourself – porn is of no consequence any longer as your mind just craves your own body and nothing else. We can all get to this point – like anything it just takes a little work, but it's rather enjoyable work - just like erection improvement at takes a little work, but also is a state of mind - to be open and receptive to what your body needs.

So if a touch of porn gets us to this place, no worries – but if you do this right and by that I mean you do need some self control to not ejaculate in the early stages, you'll be so blown away by the power of sex with your own body. in fact after a while our mind is just there for the ride as an observer to the sexual euphoria within our body – not just our penis - but everywhere you will feel sexual.

4. Your body & mind overtakes anything you can get from Porn

Now to get to this stage relies upon your willingness:

  • to practice and be resolute to not ejaculate in early stages
  • to view this as self sex - as opposed to masturbation. It is different. 
  • to accept your own body can give you so much....
.....if only you let it.

More about Edging in my other post: Masturbation + Edging + Wild Self Sex

By The Erection Coach
The Mind/body connection also plays an important role in the erection process. This is why - as the erection coach - I am very aware of the value of a holistic approach to helping improve erection frequency, hardness and duration.

© 2020

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Porn + Awareness = Penis Size Contentment

By The Erection Coach
What qualifies me: to make a judgement on average penis size? As the Erection Coach I encourage my students to use their penis and encourage erections - so unlike your average Dr who mainly sees flaccid penises - I see them soft, semi, Hard and Throbbing. Quite a few I've seen too.  So perhaps more than most I am qualified to make a judgement on penis size in all states and make a comment on pornography.  Recently I've been contacted by younger and younger men experiencing erection problems due to porn. This can be due to sensitivity/addiction issues (which I write about in a separate post) or due to insecurities, which can go on to affect the psychological aspects of the erection process.

Porn is rarely the problem - it's how we  interpret it.

You may know some of this already - but we all (me included) can get drawn in to the skewed porn world and we sometimes need to remind ourself of the realities as below.  I'm  using penis size as an example, but it works for just about every other insecurity too - such as  body image and sexual performance. 


Unless you're very sure in yourself – let's be honest - most of us can after watching porn feel a touch inadequate. Not just in size, but also such aspects as body shape - through to how far we shoot! So here are some things to keep in mind for greater sexual contentment.

One example – Penis size. In adult social media

Guys with a bigger than average penis, will tend to, want to show it off – if you've got it flaunt it!  That's just the way it tends to be. 

Reality Check1 There will inevitably be more pictures and videos of bigger penises - flaccid, erect, played with or us ed for penetration - posted in the first place.

Reality Check 2 Compounding this - the best, of these pictures and videos, get re-posted over and over. Whereas the guys with average size penises get less re posts (or retweets or whatever it may be).  

The Effect upon us: This can lead to us coming away thinking every guy has a big penis – or at the very least distorts what is 'average penis size' or body shape or whatever else you happen to be tuned into. It also applies to sexual acts too - thinking that everyone else is having a wild sexual time either with themselves or others - we have to remember that what we're viewing is just one time - and the other 99% of the time they may be having a mundane sex life. Indeed some videos may be a once in a lifetime event for some - but one sure thing is that it may not be great for them all of the time - so remember that it is totally normal to have different masturbation times or sexual times. For example - on some occasions it may be:

  • a quick play due to privacy issues or time constraints
  • a meaningful experimental session
  • perhaps with a little effort evolve into something deeply erotic 
  • a sensual relaxing mind/body experience
  • simply because we feel a need to - either due to a build up of sexual feelings or as stress relief/sleep aid

This is because we're complex, with many emotions and physiological interactions at any given time - so we should not expect to have certain feelings or mind blowing self sex or any sex every time. Hopefully by knowing that others don't have this either - despite adult social media giving an impression to the contrary - this takes the pressure off you a bit? I hope so. However if you find you never have any exciting self sex/masturbation times - then generally that can be fixed - so get in touch! I can help with self sex, but I cannot help with sex with another because that involves relationships too - which is a whole other ball game!

The Possible Effect upon Erection Quality: This can lead to low level anxiety, I see it a lot during my role as Erection Coach (, particularly with younger guys. However note I do say low level anxiety -  so low - we are often unaware of it, it's just in the background. I do stress here just a possible effect - no one knows the true numbers, but just in case you are affected by it - it is worth keeping in mind the above and what I now have to say....

As The Erection Coach at (especially when PreCovid) I had my central London training room where I saw hundreds of penises - soft, hard and semi erect - purely from doing my job.

My observations: Average Penis size in real life - of all ages, nationalities and ethnicities - bears no resemblance to the average penis size represented in adult social media, This is due to Reality Check 1 & 2 above.

Why are things so different now? Being more mature, I remember a time when only professional pornography was available - but every one knew you had to have a big penis to make it as a porn-star. But now with social media allowing everyday people to post pornography, or simply naked pics and video, there is now a danger of thinking what we see is average - as these are everyday guys with their dicks out and the average we are viewing whether soft, hard or in a sex act will (for reasons 1 and 2 above) tend to be bigger - that's just the way it is. We must remember the average in adult social media world bears no resemblance to the real world. 

I really hope this can help you. If you have anything you'd like to discuss feel free to contact me.  Next Post will be: 

Porn + Edging = Sex Media Addict Cured

© 2020

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Exercise + Masturbation = Edging

naked trainerdoing exercising side plank with erect penis
Sexercise turns hateful exercises into something erotic!

By The Erection Coach

Sexercise is a great way to play and edge yourself - your whole body - not just your penis! A form of Edging that leads to more intense ejaculations just like when we edge - but sometimes - just maybe -even more intense!

Very Healthy for our body and mind too! you need any more incentives?  If you do here's some more great reasons to combine exercise with masturbation:

  • totally different masturbation turns masturbation into even more of an exciting event - a form of edging
  • gets extra blood pumping to your penis
  • boosts testosterone 
  • great for erection quality 

Sexercise a Natural Edging Session
In between exercises don't just rest - have a play with your penis - get excited then instead of calming the feelings down by stopping as in edging  do an intense exercise bout. This keeps those sexual sensations and excitement just bubbling away nicely!

naked playing with penis in edging exercise session

Why Abs and Masturbation -are perfect partners
Your pelvic floor muscles - aka erection muscles (one muscle makes penis more rigid just doing my explanation) - are linked to your abdominals - they can work in unison to give you some great sexual feelings and pump extra blood into your penis for short bursts. Exercising for a six pack will, with a few tweaks, be absolutely great for your sexual response too!

.....then before you know it you can go into your next exercise with a hard penis

Want a Sexercise Challenge
Get yourself hard and see if you can stay erect throughout. in this picture below I am keeping erect by doing a hyper-extension one leg squats, with hip thrust, for added male sexualness! Thrusting that dick forward always gets me going! Hand behind the head for some reason just adds to my sexualness. Apologies if this is all too much info!

Get Wild - channel any sexual feelings into exercising Harder - for a Harder future erection and a more intense ejaculation coming up!

naked man interval training with erection
The dreaded interval Training is even more palatable with an erection! 

Why does Sexercise give more intense ejaculations?
When exercising - our mind body connection is stronger. Combine this with masturbation and some practice, style, to allow you to become more receptive to it all - and  before you know it your body and mind become really in tune with each other - so much so that we can encourage our sexualness to rise, feeling it almost bubble up from our testicles to every working muscle, so that in time our body is that sexual organ.

Then Finally a Workout for Your Penis
The final sexercise workout. Now often I will do this in a strange position with my legs over my head, whilst squatting, or even on my head - it depends upon how wild I feel after my sexercise workout!

naked man masturbating bending over showing butt
Sexercise encourages different positions - this is one of my tamest!

The Intense Ejaculation - often accompanied with an orgasm too
Due to sensations rising plus the surge in testosterone coursing throughout our body- sexercise tends to give me orgasms too - you know one of those that accompanies an ejaculation.  Here in the picture below I'm quite restrained but on occasions during sexercise, I can become a touch uncontrollable, like in one of the edging posts or videos in!!! How about you - if you find sexercise boosts you to a sexual frenzy? Do feel free to let me know! It all helps when we hear each others stories. 

naked coach masturbating

Then a: Post Cum Virtuous Feeling
Now sometimes if I've had a really wild self sex session with myself that involves raw sex - after ejaculating I can experience feelings of guilt. Though this is less so now I get older - as I realise how good masturbation is for us. But with sexercise I don't feel a flicker of guilt- I just feel virtuous and I hope you do too as you'll have improved your health, fitness, wellbeing - and had a great sex time and the beauty of this sexercise is - it's safe sex! 

That is as long as you train like me that is: all on your own! However if you have a workout buddy well I'll leave that for another day!

naked push up rear view of butt and testicles

© 2020

Monday, January 4, 2021

Masturbation + Edging = Wild Self sex

naked coach with erection ready to edge in masturbation session
To Edge all you need is an open mind to try something different - oh and a penis!

What is a Masturbation Edging Session?

To sexually stimulate your body and mind, to the point of near ejaculation - but holding your semen inside of you - until reaching a sexual frenzy!

By The Erection Coach

Following are pictures of masturbation edging session I recently filmed. A series of questions I answer -shows how, with practice, great - Self Sex can be. And the practice is rather enjoyable too!


Hopefully to inspire you to edge yourself when masturbating - if you don't already - as it is great for your erection quality....

...helps us feel sexual - leading to more frequent erections, gives a great workout for our erection muscle - leading to a HARDer erection and reduces stress - boosting testosterone.

Plus Edging is Great for anyone with Erectile Dysfunction as it strengthens all the body systems that help support an erection, conditions the mind to be connected to our body and a great stress reliever too! So whilst you edge - you will be doing your health so much good! I explain more below....

Why edge?

It gives us great self sex - we need no one else, but it does take a little work to really get to that higher level.

What do I mean by taking work?

Erection training - as I advocate in Erection Kaizen strengthens our erections and our mind.

coach demonstrating edging masturbation session and the intense feelings
What's more intense - how you are feeling in your mind - or how your penis is feeling?
That is what can happen in a great edging session - our mind and penis connected like never before!
If you think that sounds odd - practice for yourself - let your body and mind evolve - which they will! 
Then let me know when you get a reaction like this - when you do it will be soo memorable - perhaps you get this already. If you do then you know exactly what I'm talking about!

Whats our mind got to do with erections and edging?

A strong erection happens in response to how we are feeling - when relaxed and happy - our body is set up for a strong erection. Add to that our emotions and how sexual we feel - combined with a few erection exercises - such as Turbo Boost Erection Power - and WOW! It can all be a mind blowing masturbation session or self sex, however you want to think of it! 

From here I'm a touch embarrassed about how wild I get so the pictures are obscured.

What can you expect from edging?

We are all so individual and wired up differently, but know that even on your first edging session - which is to delay ejaculation for as long as you can - there is so much to be gained. It will not only give you a different masturbation session, but also in the process of delaying ejaculation, strengthens your erection muscles and develops your mind body connection for a heightened awareness - of all your sexual organs. Then in time your body becomes one great sexual organ - and you''ll be having dry orgasms that seem almost electric - without the ejaculation - but then when it does come - it can be the most intense ejaculation. 

When's best to edge?

Every time you have an edging session - you'll feel something different - depending upon your emotions, how tired or sexual you feel at the time. This can make a big difference which is why I save a session for when I'm feeling relaxed and really sexual. But most importantly when I have the house to myself - why...

You need privacy - for crazy self sex session - with Wild Abandon!

Trust me on this one - initially in your edging masturbation sessions you may be fairly controlled, but as your mind and body evolve - you will slip into the depths of self sex .....deeper and deeper each time.... and when they happen - you become uncontrollable in your actions or with noises! 

In the cold light of day I'm too embarrassed to talk about what happens to me here, but always happy to share privately with you if this is something you're interested in. So trust me - when these moments come - it can be so wonderful, but if you feel at all inhibited - and have to keep quiet or contain yourself - the heightened erotic state will be lost.

What you need to start edging

  • A penis! - and do you know what - the beauty of edging is it doesn't need to be erect - and that is why this is great for anyone who has erectile dysfunction. The sensations are so deeply intense that the feelings from a throbbing erection simply get lost in so many other bodily feelings.  On a personal note here - sometimes if I take my edging session on for too long - past an hour -I risk being over stimulated - not in my body and mind but my penis - it's had enough! However that's when my whole body becomes a sexual organ as well - with such intensity I'm not always aware my penis has had enough. But the great thing is - it does not affect orgasms or ejaculation intensity.
  • Attitude of mind - to be in tune and in control - for a while.....

Being in control for a while allows us to delay ejaculation. Each time we do this the sexual feelings build and build within us. Sometimes so much self control is needed. ...

...but then - we can relax into a deep sexual state where nothing else matters whilst we're there. We are simply lost in our own sexual erotic body, our mind totally absorbed by the overwhelming sensations of maleness, sexualness and so many other ess's!

The danger of edging

Self Sex - with yourself will be so damn good that sex with others may not compare!

BroTime = Edging + Guided Masturbation 

sexercise naked trainer showing side plank exercise with erection

© 2020

Erection Problems - or Simply Personality?

 If you ever struggle to rise to the occasion - before you look too deep to cure any issues, you may simply be able to overcome them - with ...